Thursday, August 14, 2008

At the hospital + Update at the End

Posted by Brittney

Here are some photos from this morning. We arrived at the hospital very early (5:15 AM) and had to wait a couple minutes in the waiting room... 

After awhile they took us all back to a little room. Dad put on his gown and slipper socks and we all waited. A nurse named Cliff shaved Dad smooth while we waited outside the room. Then a nurse put a big IV in his hand and asked about 100 questions. She was very friendly. Another nurse, I think her name was Pam, came in to introduce herself. She will be in the operating room with Dad and be giving us updates every couple hours. Then Dr. Willekes came in and went over a few things. He assured Dad that he had a very good night's sleep last night, unlike the rest of us. After Dr. Willekes, the anesthesiologist came and introduced himself, Dr. Parekh but we may call him Shyam. He promised to take good care of Dad; he was very friendly as well. 

After Shyam talked to us about a few things we gave hugs & kisses and left Dad in their care. We went to get some breakfast, donuts from the cafeteria, and now we are hanging out in the waiting room in some comfy recliners with our laptops. There are a quite a few other people in the waiting room as well. 

In the meantime, the operating room might look something like this....

We should be getting an update shortly that they have started things, I will post again then when we do hear. 

Don't forget you can sign up to receive the email updates to the top & right of this page to get any updates delivered right to your inbox. 

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, we all appreciate them! 

Oh, the nurse just came and gave us an update: They have some of the lines in him and still need to put more in. They had to put another IV in, plus a couple things in his neck (which I think will make it look like he got bit by a vampire) in addition to the holes for the robot arms. So he is sleeping, but the actual surgery hasn't started yet. (Wow, that takes a long time to put those lines in!)


Kathy said...

Thanks for the update and for NOT taking a picture of your Dad from "behind".

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us updated.
God is with your family during this time, rest comfortably in his arms.

Anonymous said...

Brittney, Thanks for the updates, let everyone know we are thinking and prayinf dor the family.
Love, Aunt Anne