Thursday, August 14, 2008

Late Night Update

Posted by Brittney

One last update before I go to bed! We were finally able to see Dad at 6:15 tonight. We were given a short time to visit him, then could come back every hour. It was pretty shocking how swollen he is. The doctors said there was a lot of fluid, plus they had trouble getting a cath in his neck, so that added to the swelling. His whole face and neck were huge, but did go down a little by the time we left. They also sat him up more in bed to try and help the swelling go down. His one arm with the IVs in it was also pretty swollen, but his other hand and feet weren't bad at all. He still has the breathing tube in him, and will until he begins to come around and the doctors believe he can breathe on his own. The biggest concern is all the swelling, especially in his throat, tongue, even his lips, which may make it difficult to breath. They will try to keep him sedated until the swelling gets down enough. 

There was one nurse sitting in there for the evening, her shift just ended at 11 and a new nurse will come in to sit with him. After we saw him at 6:15, Brianna & I went home to walk the dogs. Boy were they happy to see us! Mom went in again at 7:15. We got back to the hospital in time to go see him again around 8:15. Visiting hours end around 9 and they encourage families to go home and get rest then because there is really nothing to do at that point. We said goodnight to Dad and left; we were the last ones there and the floor was pretty much shut down in the waiting area. 

Mom called the hospital again just now before going to bed and was able to talk with the same nurse who was in there earlier this evening. She said he had begun stirring a little and moving his arms. She tried to get him to open his eyes, but his face is still too swollen. They will make him get a good night's sleep and hopefully come morning the swelling will be down and they can get the breathing tube out. 

He's on a few different medicines via IV, has the breathing tube plus a stomach pump in his mouth, a catheter, and a drainage tube out of his chest. And some little grey lines we think are probably attached to the sticky things that keep his vitals (which were good). We can't wait to see him without all that stuff stuck in him! 

Why do they have to put gymnastics on so late tonight? I need sleep! Tomorrow is another early morning, I am flying to Pittsburgh to meet Curt for his uncle's wedding on Saturday and my flight leaves at 6:05 AM. I'm sure Mom will call the hospital again before we leave and I'll try to get a short update for you to wake up to. I'll be flying all morning, but Bri will try to update anything important and we will post if he has been relocated or anything. 

Good night or good morning, depending on when you get this! Hopefully Dad will be feeling good soon and can update this blog himself, I know you are all waiting to hear from him :-)

PS- Yes, we did take a picture of him, he wanted to see himself. We won't post it until we can get his consent, like I said, he looked pretty gross. You've been warned...

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